Tres Rios Presbytery

Tres Rios Presbytery is a regional council of the Presbyterian Church (USA), located in Western-most Texas and marked by the Concho, Pecos, and Rio Grande rivers.

Below is our Mission and Vision Statement

In accordance with the Great Commission, we expect and challenge our pastors and congregations to:
  1. GO INTO THE WORLD, leaving behind the shelter of the church walls, seeking and joining God’s work in the local community and with ecumenical partners throughout the world;
  2. MAKE DISCIPLES, baptizing new followers of Christ, receiving into membership those who are already baptized, providing them with nurture, care, and Christian fellowship; and
  3. TEACH THEM to observe the Christian faith through regular participation in worship and prayer, serious study of the Holy Scriptures, service to others, and generosity in giving, while welcoming all people.

To help our pastors and congregations pursue the Great Commission, we partner with them and provide:

  1. RESPECT, listening carefully to their hopes, dreams and fears, helping them to understand their context using available data and statistical reports, helping them to set realistic ministry goals, providing honest feedback where goals and data do not align;
  2. ENCOURAGEMENT, through regular correspondence and communication with sessions, the sharing of educational and material resources with churches committed to pursuing the Great Commission, and through compassionate care for churches that wish to die with dignity, and to plan for and establish new worshipping communities;
  3. INSPIRATION, by casting a bold visionto help churches plan for the future, and by faithfully following the Great Commission in our own actions and allocation of resources.

Presbytery New Structure Approved at the March 1, 2019 Stated Meeting

Governed by three teams:

The Administrative Team partners with pastors and congregations to facilitate the business of the presbytery and ensure proper fulfillment of the Book of Order requirements.

The Pastoral Team partners with pastors and congregations to encourage spiritual growth and guidance.

The Vision and Outreach Team partners with pastors, congregations and officially established projects of the Presbytery to inspire vision and service to the community.

Upcoming Events

  1. Stated Meeting of Tres Rios Presbtery

    October 24 - October 25